Celeb news is a hot topic in today’s day and age. Everyone wants to know the latest celebrity news and Hollywood gossip. But who are some of the big name celebrities that people are interested in nowadays? Well, everyone from Floyd Mayweather and Beyonce to Oprah, Denzel Washington, and Will Smith. All of these celebrities have something common, they’re African American. With all of the controversy regarding awards shows like the Oscars, with some claiming there’s a lack of diversity, black celeb gossip is on the rise.
In addition to keeping celeb news fresh, many of these celebrities support causes, prompting many everyday Americans to contribute to causes as well. They’re also more likely than others to help a cause or company rake in more money. According to a Harvard study in 2011, businesses who sign on big name endorsers for things like events and what not, actually saw higher sales, an estimated increase of about $10 million annually to be exact.
Back to celebrity contributions to causes, though. How do they make such a difference? Well for starters, they have a ton of money. For example, Floyd Mayweather was the highest celebrity earner between 2014 and 2015, raking in about $300 million. Beyonce, one of the world’s most successful female musicians, has a net worth estimated at $450m while her husbands, Jay-Z, is estimated at $650. That means they’re combined estimated net worth is $1 billion! Then there’s Oprah, who’s show made about $125 million by the end of its first year. Will Smith is also a wealth African-American celebrity and one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood and for good reason. After all, most of his films gross more than $100 million.
With so many wealthy celebrities, it stands to reason that some, if not all have causes they contribute to. This begs the question of just how much do celebrities influence their fans. Well if the Harvard study is any indication, fans are indeed influenced by their idols, which is good news for charities and companies across the country who benefit from celebrity attention. That’s where celeb news comes in handy because it helps spread the word whenever a celebrity decides to focus on a particular charity. Let’s hope such contributions continue.