Contemporary Artists

Contemporary Artists

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4 Safety Tips to Read Before Using an Electric Skateboard

Best electric longboard

Skateboarding has become one of the most popular hobbies out there. In fact, statistics show that nearly 11 million people use skateboards on a regular basis. That being said, newer innovations in the world of skateboarding have made this hobby more fun that it has ever been. In fact, there are nearly 500 skateboarding parks currently located within the United States. That being said, many people have chosen to skate electric rather than using a traditional board. It’s understandable to want to learn how to safely operate an electric powered skateboard. With that in mind, here are four safety tips to read before using an electric skateboard for the first time.

  1. Purchase the Right Kind of Electric Skateboard

    In fact, statistics show that only 3.1% of all skateboard sales take place within a sporting good store. With that in mind, you’ll want to check out more about electric skateboards online to find boards that might not be available within a sporting goods retailer. For instance, electric longboards are available for those who prefer a bit more foot room while they skate.
  2. Protect Yourself With a Helmet and Pads

    You’ll want to ensure that you’re wearing proper safety gear before using any skateboard, especially one that is electric. You’ll find that electric skateboards are designed to be easy to use. However, it’s still important to reduce damages suffered from any falls that happen while you’re learning how to ride on this type of skateboard. With that in mind, you’ll want to ensure that you’re wearing a helmet in addition to knee and elbow pads.
  3. Practice Balancing Yourself Properly

    One of the main things to learn before you can get fully used to a skateboard is practicing proper posture. Considering that, it’s important to ensure that your feet are placed firmly on an electric skateboard. Next, you’ll want to keep your feet shoulder width apart from each other. Feel free to practice standing properly on the board before accelerating.
  4. Start Slow

    It’s easy to be tempted into seeing how fast electric powered skateboards can go. However, it’s best to begin using an electric skateboard at extremely slow speeds. You’ll want to give yourself time to get used to the feeling of having a skateboard move using electric power. Work your way up to reach top speeds while you skate electric, these skateboards can reach speeds in excess of 20 miles per hour.

In summary, there are several safety tips to follow before you begin to skate electric. You’ll want to ensure that you find the right type of electric skateboard that feels comfortable to use. It’s essential that you purchase a helmet and safety pads in order to minimize damage suffered from a few beginner falls. You’ll want to take some time to practice standing properly on an electric skateboard. It’s best to ensure that your lead foot remains pointing forward while the other one rest near the back of the skateboard. Always start out using an electric skateboard at slow speeds while getting comfortable with this device.

Skateboarding Meet Your New Innovation

Battery powered skateboard

While skateboarding has once been seen as a counter-culture or “punk”-like activity well-associated with Green Day music, skateboarding has long since moved into the mainstream’s consciousness, with competitions being shown on ESPN and other sports networks, to show the prowess of the sport of skateboarding.

While it may seem like skateboarding is an activity that poses less of a challenge than other sports, skateboarding requires skill. The ability to balance on a board, to shift weight according to different pathways in the skateboarding parks, the ability to “grind” on a rail or do an “Ollie” all requires a great deal of skill and athletic prowess.

The ‘X’ games, which is a popular counter-culture sporting event (counter-culture accepted, the meaning being), showcases skateboarders as athletes, rather than just a few people in a skateboarding park doing practicing different jumps and grinds. This has moved skateboarding into the mainstream.

Some may not like this movement. There are some that treasure skateboarding because of its counter-culture standing, an ability for people who did not “fit in” to society or within social groups to form together and skate and bond over the “full bowl.” Skating itself had built up a culture that promoted authenticity.

Of course, not all saw it that way. For them, skating was, and still is, a sport–something that demands athleticism, balance, muscle tone, grace, an opportunity to showcase what they could do with just a board and some wheels (and of course their wits about them). They were not necessarily against the counter culture image; but the sport remained the sport.

And unfortunately, for those skaters who saw it as a sport, there are fewer than 600 parks in the United States for those to choose from. That a little more than 10 parks per state, and many of the parks are so small it’s impossible to get a good “grind” from any of them. That limits the amount of skaters there are in the country.

While this definition is a little outdated–because the lack of some skating parks makes this definition not entirely the skater’s fault–there are two methods of categorizing a skater: core and casual. A core skaters skates 26 times or more per year. A casual skater skates between 1 and 25 times per year.

Skaters tend to be mostly male. 77% of all skaters are male, while just 23% are female. That number becomes even more lopsided when looking at it based off “core” skaters versus “casual” skaters. 83.4% of core skaters are male, with just 16.6% of core skaters being female. This seems to imply that skating is a male-dominated sport.

But female skaters are more widely recognized as they are few in the sport. Any female skater has proven she “has what it takes” and she can “hang” “with the boys,” those these antiquated notions are hopefully dying out here very soon.

For many skaters, the act of skating may have become a little rote and wearisome, especially if that person has only access to one park in the area. Fortunately, now, there is a new type of skateboard in town that allows for off-roading and even more power. It’s called the electric skateboard.

While the electric motorized skateboard had been around since at least 1997, it became only possible for mass production when the Lithium battery came out around 2006-7. This battery had a longer life span, was smaller and more affordable, and had a slow dying process, compared to other batteries that seemed to stop suddenly.

Today, the electric motorized skateboard contains a large battery, if not multiple batteries, which are affixed to the bottom of the skate board. This battery powers a motor, which is linked to the wheels of the skateboard. The skateboard then goes quite a bit faster than at a full bowl.

Generally, the new electric skateboard is made out of a motorized longboard. The longboard is generally used as the larger space allows for more batteries to be placed underneath the board.

Today, the electric motorized skateboard is fully equipped for off-road terrain. The wheels are generally a little bit bigger, with a tougher threading, which can handle dirt, rocks, twigs, and other off-road challenges that will threaten a smaller and less equipped board.

The electric motorized skateboard adds a new dimension to skating.

How to Keep Your Wedding Guests Dancing All Night Long A Guide

Wedding dance charleston

Looking for ways to incorporate ballroom dance into your wedding reception? These tips will keep your guests on the dance floor all night long!

  1. Provide comfy shoes and socks
    Make it easy for your guests to dance by letting them kick off their uncomfortable formal shoes and provide flip-flops and socks. Simply putting out a big tub of flip-flops and socks in all sizes is a great way to encourage your guests to get dancing. After all, they won’t have an excuse when they don’t have shoes holding them back!
  2. Have your bride and groom dance in the middle of the night
    You don’t want your bride and groom dance to happen right away, because if you do your guests will become disinterested and stay away from the dance floor all night. Instead, do your dance in the middle of the night to keep your guests interested.
  3. Spice up your first dance
    On that note, consider spicing up your first dance to really shine! Taking dance lessons with a professional ballroom dance instructor will make all the difference in the world. You will be able to graduate from simply swaying on the floor to doing a rumba, swing, or even tango for your first dance. It only takes a few lessons to see improvement!
  4. Make sure the bar is near the dance floor
    Even for those who don’t drink, making sure a bar is nearby is a great idea for when your guests need to rehydrate!
  5. Get interactive
    Make sure the DJ interacts with the crowd to really get the group going! Have games, competitions, and announcements telling the guests they are able to request songs at any time!

In the world of dance, ballroom dance refers to the 10 dances in the International Ballroom and International Latin categories. From rumba, the dance of love, to the sassy samba or cha cha, any one of these dances would be perfect for your wedding. So make sure to call up a dance studio today and schedule your first dance lesson! It only takes one, two, three!

Are You Trying to Find a Way to Get Your Opinion Heard?

Civil rights leader

Human rights and civil rights issues are important topics today. From the humanitarian efforts that are needed on the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico to the civil rights issues surrounding the latest national anthem protests during the National Football League (NFL), finding a way to make sure that the world is a safe place is important. And while many people are certain that they are right in their own opinions, we live in a world where it is increasingly important to make sure that you are listening to your both your friends and family. Even the friends and family members who have different believes than you do.
Today’s civil rights leaders and human rights activists may find themselves remembering Martin Luther King speeches and the impact that they had, as they struggle to find a way to be heard today. Finding the right way to get a message across, however, can be a challenge in a world and a time when no one wants to listen and consider someone else’s opinion.
From making sure there are educational opportunities for all students to finding the best way to make sure that you calmly share your opinion, it is important to make sure that you are able to calmly, but assertively, share your ideas and believes. Consider some of these facts about the civil rights and human rights history this country has and the many challenges that we are still facing:

  • Banning discrimination in public facilities and schools, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by the 88th Congress.
  • Speaking at over 2500 public events in his life, Martin Luther King Jr spoke and delivered up to 450 speeches a year.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. led 2,000 people on a five day, 54 mile march from Selma to Montgomery Alabama in the year 1965.
  • The sit-in movement spread from Greensboro, North Carolina, to 55 cities in 13 states by the end of March in the year 1960.
  • More than 30,000 people paid their respects to Rosa Parks when her body was brought to the U.S. Capitol rotunda in the year 2005.
  • As recent as the year 2015, black families are on average 13 times poorer than white families.

The news today can be a challenge to handle. From the NFL controversy that is being fueled by the President and his tweets to the humanitarian efforts that are needed to help the latest hurricane victims, we live in a world where we all need to continue to listen to those who are our friends and family.

5 Simple Outdoor Event Planning Tips

Wedding flooring rentals

A corporate event is a great way for members of a company to escape the office. One great idea is to have an outdoor corporate event. It’s understandable to feel slightly overwhelmed at the thought of planning a corporate party. You’ll find out that following a few steps will ensure an upcoming corporate event is a huge hit. Here are four tips to help ensure you throw a perfect outdoor corporate event.

  1. Location is Extremely Important

    Many people prefer to host outdoor events near amenities. You’ll find that an event near power and water sources will cut down on additional party planning steps. It’s wise to check into outdoor spaces used for corporate event rentals. You’ll want to ensure that guests have access to restroom facilities. No one wants to walk for miles to find a nearby restroom.
  2. Keep Guests Safe in Any Weather

    Corporate events held outdoors benefit from tent rentals. These tents aren’t the ones you think of when on a camping trip. Corporate event tents are large coverings made to keep everyone and everything safe during an event. These tents look great and are often made from nylon which is durable and strong. It’s understandable to feel unsure of what sized tent you’ll need. Take the number of guests at this event multiplied by square footage for equipment and seating, the result is the estimated tent size to rent.
  3. Give Guests Enough Space

    It’s understandable to feel unsure of space needs for an event. If you’re renting a tent, there’s a simple equation you’ll want to utilize. Take the number of guests at this event multiplied by square footage for equipment and seating, the result is what sized tent to utilize. It’s important to be concerned with letting guests have ample walking room. The last thing you want is guests tripping over each other. It’s recommended to utilize about five to six feet in between chairs.
  4. Keep Pests Away

    An outdoor event lets guests experience the beauty of being outside. Outdoor environments are known to contain pests, especially when food and drinks are brought out. It’s wise to contact a pest control service to treat an area before the party begins. You might want to set up candles or lights that reduce the presence of pests.
  5. Ensure Party is Brightly Lit

    You’ll always want guests to see where they’re going. It’s understandable to have certain areas, including the dance floor, lit appropriately. However, walkways and path must be brightly lit to keep guests safe. You’ll find that tent rentals are easy to keep lit properly. A party with safe guests is an event that keeps everyone happy.

In summary, there are several tips to follow when planning a corporate event. The location of an outdoor event is extremely important. It’s wise to choose an outdoor space with access to nearby amenities. You don’t want guests to have to leave the party to use the bathroom or take a phone call. It’s wise to utilize tent rentals when hosting outdoor events. A tent will ensure that guests and equipment remain safe from unpredictable weather. It’s wise to utilize candles or lights that keep pests away from your outdoor event. Keeping a party space brightly lit ensure guests are able to walk safely. Office workers love being able to enjoy an event held in the great outdoors.

How Art in a Hospital Benefits Patients and Employees

Healthcare art consulting in florida

Every hospital owner wants their facilities to feel welcoming. Unfortunately, many people can feel nervous at the thought of staying in a hospital. One way to ensure your hospital is beneficial for staff and patients is through obtaining artwork for your hospital. Hospitality art consultants help medical facilities across the nation have the right kind of artwork. Here are three benefits of including artwork within a hospital.

  1. Increases Employee Productivity

    Hospital employees can find themselves working long hours taking care of patients. Statistics show that employees working in areas decorated with items including art and plants were 17% more productive than those in lean spaces. Hospitality art consultants find artwork for healthcare facilities. A healthcare manager can have these consultants find artwork that works well in medical settings. Choosing the wrong kind of artwork could unintentionally send the wrong message to patients.
  2. Helps Patients Feel More at Home

    Hospitality art consultants know that a medical environment isn’t always the most welcoming. Including art within your hospital works well to make patients feel at home. Wall art for hospitals is something of utmost importance for patients. People that are staying within a hospital room need to feel at home. A recent study was conducted concerning hospital patients staying on a floor where 18 pieces of art were hung. These patients would go to comment that the art made them feel more at home. Many patients love the stress relief provided by great pieces of art.
  3. Certain Paintings Decease Feelings of Pain

    Paintings can invoke a wide range of feelings. Hospitality art consultants work to match the mood of art with what patients need to feel. It’s common for a painting to be placed in a patients room that features elements of nature. Studies have found that looking at nature paintings can make someone feel calmer. A study in 2011 by the University of London looked at what happens when people viewed a beautiful painting. The results of this study found that blood flow increased by 10% when people saw these amazing paintings.

In closing, there are several important benefits of including art within a hospital. Studies have found that employees working in space with a lot of artwork are more productive than workers with no art nearby. It’s imperative that a hospital manager does everything possible to increase the productivity and happiness of employees. Including art within a hospital helps patients feel more at home. It’s best to include patients within the rooms of paints, in addition to the waiting room and other areas. Studies have found that certain paintings can help patients feel a decrease in pain. Hospitality art consultants make medical facilities around the nation more welcoming to staff and patients.

Top 3 Reasons to Start Skateboarding

Motor skateboard

Think skateboarding is just for kids? Think again. Skateboarding can be done by almost any age group or talent level. It is a fun outdoor activity that can provide exercise in the fresh air. You don’t have to be talented. You don’t have to be athletic. You don’t have to be a kid. There are so many different kinds of skateboards that anyone can enjoy the sport. Electric skate boards, powered skateboards, and off road motorized skateboards are just some of the varieties. Here are the top 3 reasons to take up skateboarding.

1. Skateboarding accepts all skill and activity levels. Skateboarding can be divided into two categories. A core skater is someone that skates at least 26 times per year. A casual skater skates less than 26 times per year. No matter how experienced you are on your skateboard, there are others at the same level and probably people more experienced to learn from. It is a sport you can grow into, even as an adult.

2. It is an activity growing in popularity. An estimated 11 million people say that they enjoy skateboarding on a regular basis. And why not? Skateboarding is a great chance to get outside in the fresh air. It can be for transportation or just for fun. Want some help getting to where you are going? Try an electric skate board. Electric skate boards are rechargeable and environmentally friendly. They work great for transportation needs and are just plain fun, providing yet another reason to give skateboarding a go.

3. There are many places to go and things to do with skateboarding. The U.S. carries half of the global skateboarding market and has over 500 skateboarding parks in operation. That means there is probably a skateboarding park near you. And if there’s not? There are still nature trails and parks, sidewalks and quiet roads. With a wide range of options for skateboards, you can find one that meets your needs and your atmosphere. Just go on you skateboard and escape your normal routine.

Skateboarding is making a comeback in the U.S. It is not just for kids anymore. Different styles of skateboards can meet just about any demand or environment. Going to a state park or on a nature trail? Try an all terrain electric skateboard. Concerned about the environment? Try an electric skate board. Whatever motivates you, you can find a skateboard to match. No matter your age or athletic ability, give skateboarding a try for transportation or for fun.

Are You Getting Ready to Host a Casino Night?

Corporate event ideas chicago

At first, the task seemed impossible. Serving as the best man for your college roommate also came with the responsibility of throwing a bachelor party. And while there were many ideas thrown your way, you initially struggled to find an idea that would provide a fun, but safe, evening with people who wanted to toast the groom on one of his last nights being single. The fact that this groom is also the soon to be husband of your sister has added pressure to make sure that safety is a priority. You want your best friend, and soon to be brother-in-law, to have a great party, but you also want it to be the kind of fun that your sister would approve of.
In the end, you decided that a casino night party was the best solution. With the added bonus that the best man would earn some honeymoon money from the evening made it seem like a really great decision.
Whether you are planning a girl’s night out, a bachelor party, or a fundraising event, few things are as fun or profitable as a casino party. Although there are a variety of corporate event themes that are available when you need to host a kickoff sales event, the ever popular casino theme party works well for these corporate events as well.

  • When a fun night is what you are after, a casino night is a hit every time.
  • Individual activities can include small group poker games as well as loud and crazy roulette tables.
  • No one likes to lose, but when the lost money goes to a worthwhile charity, few people complain.
  • Neighbors and relatives love the opportunity to play poker, blackjack, and other games of chance together.
  • Estimates indicate that nearly 40 million people play poker regularly.
  • Roulette is a game of chance that lets a large group of people play together at once.

  • Winning and losing are part of the draw for casino night themed parties.
  • In blackjack, although the player will win 44% of the time, the dealer wins 48% of the time, creating a setting that makes for easier fundraising.
  • New acquaintances can learn a lot about each other after playing poker or black jack side by side for an evening.
  • New players who have never been to a casino party before can start their night taking lessons at a beginner’s table.
  • Every player will get a pocket pair, on average, once every 17 hands, or about 6% of the time, while playing poker.
  • Rolling the dice and shouting familiar phrases like Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner while playing craps can add to the festivity of a casino party.

  • Casino games can be both challenging and invigorating for your guests
  • How often do you get to play blackjack with your friends? As the focus of a cason party fundraising event, you can shoot to beat 21 all night long!
  • In making travel plans, as many as 36.7 million people visit Las Vegas every year, perhaps because they are anxious to play casino games.
  • Casino nights are popular events for both men and women.
  • Knowing that your losses become gains for a charity of your choice make casino nights win, win.
  • Eleven is everyone’s favorite number in a game of craps.
  • Numbers draw the big attention when large groups of people play Keno at a local charity casino night fundraiser.

  • Dinner parties, followed by casino games, allow guests to both relax and enjoy themselves.
  • In the last year, over 10 million have played poker in a casino.
  • New games are fun, but the majority of players enjoy the more traditional and standard casino games.
  • Next to blackjack and poker, craps is a favorite game for many people who like a more challenging and fast paced game of chance.
  • Estimates indicate that there are 1,511 casinos in the U.S.
  • Real parties are as fun for the hosts as they are the guests. A casino night meets that requirement if you bring in a team of workers to run the tables at a casino party night.

How To Make Sure Your Wedding Day Is A Success

Tented events

Nobody wants their wedding, baby shower or birthday bash to be a disaster. When you invest a lot of time and effort planning a special occasion, it can be incredibly frustrating when your guests aren’t happy or bad weather ruins your set-up. With wedding carpet rentals and a backyard party tent, however, you can ensure that your careful scheduling and design doesn’t go to waste. A relaxing event is supported with a proactive effort, after all, and renting your supplies can eliminate the middleman and help you focus on what you do best.

Know Your Weddings Basics

Are you throwing a wedding soon? It’s important to know your basics so it can go off without a hitch. According to the Knot’s 2014 Real Wedding Study, wedding guests tend to average 136 more often than not. Likewise, the average length of an engagement is 12 to 14 months. This means couples often want at least a year to plan their special day. Last, but not least, the most popular month to get married is in June followed closely by October.

Make Sure There’s Enough Room

Party rentals shouldn’t make any given space cramped and uncomfortable. If your event plans on hosting a speech or another type of presentation that requires chairs to be lined up, it’s recommended you allow five or six square feet per chair. For the more bulky chairs add a little more space to be on the safe side. After all, people will need to get up, move around and keep an eye on unruly children all the while. Aisles and speaker areas often need eight square feet per person, with cocktail services five or six square feet.

Keep An Eye Out For Disagreeable Weather

A common concern that has many reaching out for wedding carpet rentals and party tents for rent is disagreeable weather. Should your event be held outside (one of the more common decisions as of late), a tent can ensure that any wind, dust or sprinkles are kept at bay. The two most common types of tops are polyester and vinyl. Which one you’ll choose depends on your taste. Vinyl is considered both durable and affordable, making it a popular choice for weddings and baby showers.

Rent Your Party Equipment

Wedding linen rentals, wedding tents for rent and wedding carpet rentals are all wonderful elements to add to a special day. They offer you the variety and flexibility you need on top of peace-of-mind, with any spills or tears generally covered by the company in question. It doesn’t hurt to double-check their policies, however, to make sure you can proceed with your event without a care in the world. Remember that tents are ideal for outdoor parties and gatherings, while extra space should be considered when setting up benches, chairs and tables for speeches. When you need a little help during a stressful planning session, rental equipment is here to help.

Celebrity Charitable Contributions Encourage Others to Donate

Latest entertainment

Celeb news is a hot topic in today’s day and age. Everyone wants to know the latest celebrity news and Hollywood gossip. But who are some of the big name celebrities that people are interested in nowadays? Well, everyone from Floyd Mayweather and Beyonce to Oprah, Denzel Washington, and Will Smith. All of these celebrities have something common, they’re African American. With all of the controversy regarding awards shows like the Oscars, with some claiming there’s a lack of diversity, black celeb gossip is on the rise.

In addition to keeping celeb news fresh, many of these celebrities support causes, prompting many everyday Americans to contribute to causes as well. They’re also more likely than others to help a cause or company rake in more money. According to a Harvard study in 2011, businesses who sign on big name endorsers for things like events and what not, actually saw higher sales, an estimated increase of about $10 million annually to be exact.

Back to celebrity contributions to causes, though. How do they make such a difference? Well for starters, they have a ton of money. For example, Floyd Mayweather was the highest celebrity earner between 2014 and 2015, raking in about $300 million. Beyonce, one of the world’s most successful female musicians, has a net worth estimated at $450m while her husbands, Jay-Z, is estimated at $650. That means they’re combined estimated net worth is $1 billion! Then there’s Oprah, who’s show made about $125 million by the end of its first year. Will Smith is also a wealth African-American celebrity and one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood and for good reason. After all, most of his films gross more than $100 million.

With so many wealthy celebrities, it stands to reason that some, if not all have causes they contribute to. This begs the question of just how much do celebrities influence their fans. Well if the Harvard study is any indication, fans are indeed influenced by their idols, which is good news for charities and companies across the country who benefit from celebrity attention. That’s where celeb news comes in handy because it helps spread the word whenever a celebrity decides to focus on a particular charity. Let’s hope such contributions continue.

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