Orange County photo booth rentals are not just great for party entertainment or corporate events. Rather, Orange County photo booth rentals and San Diego photo booth rentals let you hold on to a piece of photographic history, if only for a moment. Using Orange County photo booth rentals connect you with a rich legacy that is photography, and can let the imagination soar.
The prototype to any Orange County photo booth rentals, the Daguerrotype, first appeared in 1827. Color photography was invented by British physicist James Maxwell in 1861, but the revolution did not start until film. George Eastman invented film for Kodak, and manufactured the first 35 mm film in 1892. Kodak also invented the first digital camera, having only 1.4 megapixels.
Today, Orange County photo booth rentals capture the imagination. At the high end of the market, a rare 1923 Leica camera at Vienna was the most expensive ever sold, netting 2.8 million USD. For the more casual, he may wish to rent a photo booth, or even buy a photo booth. However one chooses to hold onto photographic history, one can surely get a hold of a treasure. Learn more about this topic here.