How’s your home theater looking? It can be a little disheartening not having all the latest toys to look forward to when coming back from a long day at work or school. Thankfully, home automation systems have never been easier to cobble together — whether you’re into movies or prefer to play videogames online with friends, a little research and a proactive mind can give you the home entertainment system you’ve always wanted. Below are the top five tips to putting together the ideal home automation systems.
Know Your Goal
Did you know there are nearly four million Hulu subscribers? Additional studies have revealed a whopping 38 million people have watched Hulu at least once, if not a few times, in the past year. A good entertainment system is one that knows what it wants to be. If that means helping you address your proverbial sweet tooth, then so be it! For those interested in videogames, a strong Internet connection is a must-have so you can spend more time enjoying competitive multiplayer instead of slogging through lost connections.
Be Familiar With Different Options
Hulu isn’t the only major film source, however. There are nearly 64 million Netflix subscribers, with 30% of Internet traffic during peak hours coming from people watching Netflix movies, shows and documentaries. Nearly three-quarters of TV streamers (nearly 74%) say they have positive feelings toward binge streaming television while 76% of TV streamers say watching multiple episodes of their favorite television show is a welcome respite from their busy week.
Save Money
According to ongoing surveys, the average household energy bill is around $110 per month. That’s pretty high! With home automation systems you can save around 15% every month, adding up to nearly $20 per month or around $200 per year. This is due to the interconnected nature of home automation systems rerouting energy in a more efficient manner, making sure everyone’s happy at the end of the day!
Stay Secure
Home entertainment is pretty expensive. The last thing you want is to lose all that hard work! Smart-home security and safety systems have represented the second-largest service market by revenue for the past few years, expecting to top most industries by 2017. Studies have shown people will, on average, save around 20% on their insurance with a home automation system than the alternative — that totals to at least $1,000 extra per year.
Get Started
Putting together a flexible and up-to-date home entertainment system isn’t as hard as it looks. One of the most important elements is a powerful Internet connection and strong reception, vital for streaming films, videogames and shows alike. Staying comfortable is often high on people’s priority list, too — around 44% of participants in a survey said they had recently been to a theater with cushy recliner seats and wanted to add it in their own home. According to the latest available data, the sales of home theater-in-a-box systems have reached a whopping $750 million over the past five years. Are you ready to create your very own home theater?