From coffee bag design to pet treat packaging, the packaging that we see on a day to day basis is more important than many of us truly realize. In fact, this packaging is hugely influential in our lives, whether we know it or not. We immediately gravitate towards attractive packaging like good coffee bag design that there are certain things that we are all looking for in the packaging that see – and it is the presence, or the lack of, these qualifications for what makes good coffee bag design and the like that will actually be instrumental in what we end up buying, believe it or not.
For instance, up to eighty five percent of consumers in the United States say that it is reading packaging that greatly influences their decision about whether or not they will buy something. For any given food item, there has to be a good deal of information there, for instance. From the nutritional information to the ingredient list to whether a product is gluten free or vegan, some people will simply lose interest in a product if such information is not made abundantly clear. After all, people with food restrictions and allergies will likely not want to eat something if they can’t be certain as to what is in it – and whether or not it has come into contact with any contaminants.
And we know definitively that good and well thought out packaging will lead to more sales. People can tell when a company or business has taken time with the packaging that they put out, as the data has found that companies who spend more time and pay closer attention to detail are simply likely to sell more products – even as much as thirty percent more than their competitors who perhaps did not put quite as much time into the final outcome of the packaging of a product.
This can be seen clearly when it comes to coffee bag design and printed coffee bags, as coffee options are incredibly vast here in the United States. After all, coffee is an incredibly popular beverage, one that it consumed by very nearly fifty five percent of all people (all adults) in the United States on a daily basis. And many of these people will have up to three cups of the stuff by the time that the day has drawn to a close.
But getting coffee from a coffee shop is often not a financially sustainable or stable way to get your coffee on a daily basis, and many people have made the switch to buying coffee that they can make at home from their local grocery stores. This is where the importance of coffee bag design comes into play.
After all, people want to know what they are buying, and different types of coffee are, well, often very different. They can have different flavors, different strengths, and coffee beans sourced from different places all around the world, all of which which can have a profound impact on the purchasing decisions that the typical coffee drinker makes. And so informative coffee bag design can even be considered highly essential for selling enough coffee to make a sustainable profit.
And coffee bag design is certainly not the only type of packaging design that matters. Pet food packaging is also incredibly important and must be just as informational as other types of packaging. After all, pet owners want to give their animals the very best, and many consider their pet (or pets) to be a beloved and cherished member of the family, deserving of a high quality lifestyle.
And there are certainly a lot of pet owners out there. In fact, more than eighty four million households own pets in the United States alone – up to sixty eight percent of them. And all of these people will be shopping for pet food and looking at various types of pet food packaging. The ideal pet food packaging will include nutritional components as well as elaborate on the health benefits that the pet food in question might be able to offer.
From coffee bag design to dog treat packaging, packaging matters quite a lot.